Envita Patient Credits Our Innovative Treatments for Her Recovery From Terminal Cancer on 12News

The diagnosis of stage 4 breast cancer came as an unexpected blow to Tammy Morrow who had walked into an emergency room with symptoms of stomach pain and severe bloating. “I don't think I'd be telling any story. I think I'd be dead," said Tammy, in a news report published by 12News. Crediting her survival to the innovative treatments she received at Envita Medical Centers, a Center of Excellence for precision integrative Oncology, Tammy explained how she decided to pursue care here.
Tammy was given weeks to live by her standard oncologist, if she did not start conventional chemotherapy. However, she had started experiencing severe side effects, which triggered her to look for precision targeted integrative oncology options. She benefited greatly from Envita's unique treatment approach, which combines the latest in conventional medicine with research based natural therapies, to not just strike at the disease core but also strengthen the immune system.
This comprehensive approach includes proprietary treatments like GTFC™ (Genetically Targeted Fractionated Chemotherapy), which played a crucial role in Tammy's recovery. GTFC™ is based on detailed genomic analysis and other tests, which help to determine the most appropriate chemo agents for each individual patient. This information enables our team to utilize a greater number of chemo agents than standard chemotherapy, but their metronomic dosage and precision delivery enhances the mechanisms of action against the cancer while reducing chances of side effects.
To know more about Envita's unique treatment approach and how it helped Tammy recover from a terminal diagnosis, read this report.