Former Patient and Current Educator at Envita Clears Lyme-Related Misconceptions on 'From Darkness to Love and Light' Podcast

A tick-bite, mistakenly treated as a spider bite, had devastating implications in Sarah's life, pushing her into decades of debilitating pain and other unexplained physiological and psychological symptoms. “It puts you into that state of existence, where you are not living,” said Sarah, former Envita patient, who has turned into an advocate and patient care educator after getting treated at Envita Medical Centers for chronic Lyme disease.
Sarah is finally able to live her life after going through years of misery with symptoms like seizures, mind-fog, and inability to walk, which were repeatedly being misdiagnosed as fibromyalgia, connective tissue disorder, chronic fatigue syndrome, anxiety, and depression. “What a lot of people don't understand is that the conventional medicine testing of Lyme has a lot of false negatives,” said Sarah. She explained how conventional testing is based on the response of the immune system, which in turn may be compromised in some patients leading to false negatives.
“There's new technology out there... and we have health plans that utilize that kind of technology to catch it early,” said Dr. Oertle. To know more about new technological advancements in the prevention and treatment of stomach cancer and the symptoms to be aware of, watch this report.
The specially trained team of physicians at Envita, who have been treating Lyme for over two decades utilize a series of specialty tests to overcome these challenges in conventional testing. Once diagnosed, not every patient can be treated with standard oral antibiotics, which are typically recommended for the treatment of Lyme disease. “Conventional medicine does not have a lot of answers for the chronic Lyme community,” said Sarah. She benefited greatly from Envita's proprietary treatments like IRAD (Insulin Receptor Antibiotic Delivery), which are designed to target the Lyme-causing bacteria, even when they have breached through the blood-brain barrier.
To know more about this commonly misunderstood disease and how Envita's proprietary treatments can help people recover from even late-stage Lyme disease, tune into this podcast titled "From Bedridden to Brave: Sarah Schlichte's Seven-Year Battle with Lyme Disease."